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Instructions for Author(s)


As of January 2014 "CBRNE-Terrorism Newsletter" will be published on monthly basis and its main target is to provide continuous education and information to the CBRNE/counter-terrorism community.

Newsletter’s (occasional) “Original Papers” chapter hosts articles relevant to the title. These articles can be written by one writer or by a group of experts.

Submission of articles: Submission implies that the article represents unpublished work, except in abstract form and is not being submitted simultaneously to another publication (printed or on-line). Accepted articles become the sole property of “CBRNE-Terrorism Newsletter” and may not be published elsewhere without written consent from the Editor-in-Chief.

Acceptance of articles: Each article is reviewed by at least two members of the Editorial Team. In case of disagreement the paper is reviewed by one or more members of the International Advisory Committee – depending on the topic – and the final decision regarding its publication relies on the Editorial Team. The authors are informed within 2 weeks about the acceptance of their paper. In certain instances, the paper might be given to the authors for modification before the publication. The modified paper should be returned to the Newsletter within 2 weeks, otherwise it is considered withdrawn. Usually the paper is published in the forthcoming issue of the Newsletter.

Structure: The text of an original or a review study is limited to 15 pages, including an abstract, a maximum of 7 tables and figures (total), and up to 40 references. Single spacing and Arial 12 letter-set will be used. Papers should be submitted in .doc or .docx format. Papers in .pdf format will not be accepted for publication. All manuscripts should have the following structure:



Title of the article: The title should be concise and informative using terms that can be readily indexed. A subtitle (if there is one) can also be provided.

Names of the authors: It should be included the authors’ full names (first name, surname). After the first name and Surname of each author follows the superscript and a comma which separates each author. The superscript declares the current position of each author (the name of the department and the institution to which the work) and should be written in the next paragraph after the end of the authors. For example:

Ioannis Galatas1, Panagiotis Stavrakakis2

1. MD, MSc, place of work

2. RN, place of work


Abstract: The abstract should be limited to 250 words. Avoid abbreviations and reference citations in the abstract.

Key-words: Below the abstract authors should provide 3-5 key-words which will assist in future cross-indexing of the article.

Corresponding author: The name, address, telephone number or e-mail of the author, to whom correspondence should be sent, should be clearly indicated.



From the top of the second page begins the text of the article. Descriptive headings and subheadings can be used.

Tables and figures: Cite all tables and figures in the text, numbering them sequentially and place them before references in the same order as they appear in the text, with Arabic numbers (Table 1, Table 2)  followed by a brief title before each table.

Pictures: If you cite a picture which has been published elsewhere, then the source of origin should be mentioned. Pictures should be of the highest resolution available.

References: The Vancouver Citation System will be followed - references are written at the end of the manuscript and their numbering should be according to the sequence mentioned in the text.